tater tots

air fryer

Experience the joy of air fryer tater tots: all the crunch, none of the grease, and a flavor that’s through the roof!

- Golden Potatoes - Parsley - Salt - Garlic Powder - Onion Powder - Flour - Parmesan Cheese - Olive Oil

Tater Tots Ingredients

cook the potatoes

Peel the potatoes and cook them whole in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes, then let them cool completely.

Shred potatoes then place them into a large bowl. Mix in parsley, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, flour, and parmesan cheese. Then roll the dough into 2-inches long tater tots.

make the dough

preheat and air fry

Arrange tater tots in a single layer and brush them with oil, then cook for 14-15 minutes, flipping them half way. Serve warm with your favorite dipping sauce.

ENJOY your air fryer tater tots!

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