8 Easy Ways to Get More Protein in Your Diet

8 easy ways to get more protein in your diet.

8 Easy Ways to Get More Protein in Your Diet

Protein is one of the most powerful sources of nutrition that many people aren’t getting enough of each day. This basic building block of your diet can help you fight the urge to overeat by making you feel more satisfied and full. Protein can also help build your body’s lean muscles and maintain a strong physique. And if you want an easy way to boost your metabolism, try adding more protein to your diet. Here are eight simple methods to try to increase your daily protein.

1. Start Your Day With Eggs

For that first meal of the day, breakfast, instead of pairing your morning coffee with some toast or cereal, opt for eggs. A serving of two scrambled eggs has a whopping 12 grams of protein, which is the perfect start to your day. Your blood sugar and appetite will appreciate the injection of protein into your morning routine, and you’ll feel less hungry as it gets closer to lunch.

2. Add Nuts to a Salad

If you pack a healthy salad for lunch every day, you don’t have to add some grilled chicken or fish to it to meet your daily protein requirements. An alternative to using meat on your salad is simply topping your lunch with a handful of nuts. Try packing a small pack of roasted almonds and sprinkle them over your salad. Your mouth will enjoy the extra crunch in your salad, and your body will get six grams of protein per serving.

3. Opt for Greek Yogurt

Yogurt is a great and convenient snack that can be added to any diet. The yogurt aisle at your local grocery store has expanded recently, and there are more options than ever for any taste. Skip over the vast selection of traditional, sugary yogurt and head straight for the Greek yogurt display. Greek yogurt is much more nutritious than its regular counterpart. It has much more protein, as much as 20 grams per serving, less sugar, and fewer carbs.

4. Try Some Jerky

If you’re trying to think of easy snack ideas to take with you, it can be tough finding something that has a good amount of protein. Avoid opting for a bag of chips or cookies, and go for some lean jerky instead. Jerky snacks can go anywhere, and they don’t need to be refrigerated. You also get at least seven grams of protein per serving. Make sure you check the labels for excessive sodium content before making your selection.

5. Choose Brown Rice Over White

Putting protein in your diet is much easier during dinner when eaters typically prepare the main meat course, such as chicken, fish, or steak. You can also increase your protein power by making smart choices with your side dishes. If you’re planning to add rice to your menu, avoid using white rice and choose brown varieties instead. You get more fiber and at least five grams of protein per serving.

6. Blend a Protein Shake

Another easy way to increase your protein intake is to make a powerful smoothie for breakfast or a snack. Find a high-quality whey protein powder to blend with your favorite fruits and a serving of plain yogurt. You’ll get on average about 17 grams of protein per serving, which could help meet your daily nutritional needs.

7. Put Edamame on Your Plate

If you’re running out of ideas for side dishes for tonight’s dinner, consider adding some edamame. This is a tasty green soybean that can be steamed or boiled and topped with sea salt. You’ll need to pop each green bean out of the shell to take advantage of the incredible nutrients and vitamins from this vegetable. Edamame provides an amazing 17 grams of protein per serving.

8. Top With Peanut Butter

Finally, you can even get protein when you’re eyeing the sweets aisle for tonight’s dessert. For the biggest boost in protein, go for peanut butter. While peanut butter does have its fair share of sugar, your body can benefit from its eight grams of protein per serving. A healthy way to indulge is to choose fresh fruits and dip them into a few swirls of peanut butter.

If you want to feel fuller faster, avoid snacking too much, and keep your muscles healthy and strong, it’s essential to get plenty of protein. Try sneaking some more protein into your diet by using some of these simple tips.

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